Adiwiraku ("my superhero") is based on a true story of a teacher - Cheryl Ann Fernando (played by Sangeeta Krishnasamy) and her students in their struggles and successes in a rural school in Kedah. Shot entirely in Sungai Petani, Adiwiraku brings to life the story of SMK Pinang Tunggal and its remarkable rise from "a sekolah kampung with a reputation of sitting comfortable in the bottom of the ranks".
Cheryl Ann Fernando (played by Sangeeta Krishnasamy)
Cheryl Fernando was part of 'Teach for Malaysia' an NGO that trains fresh graduates and young professionals to join the teaching force, working with the Ministry of Education to place teachers in "high-need" schools for a duration of two years.
Teacher Fernando was able to instill in her students the determination to strive through all the obstacles and even pain to become their own superheroes, embodying the tagline “sakit itu sementara, kegemilangan itu selamanya” (Pain is temporary but pride is forever).
On 28 July 2015, a rural school in Kedah went against the odds and surprised everyone, including themselves, by doing exceptionally well in a district level English Choral Speaking competition, beating the district's elite schools. News of their success (How A Sekolah Kampung Beat 20 Elite Schools In An English Competition) went viral. This story inspired directors Jason Chong and Eric Ong to make this movie.
If there is one thing that director Eric Ong hopes for the audience to take away after watching Adiwiraku, it is this: “The story talks about how you shouldn’t hope for superheroes to come and save you; you shouldn’t look at other people to make a change. It has to start with you – you are the superhero. Instead of complaining, you have to take action.” Be the change you want to see in the world!
Director: Eric Ong
Main Cast: Sangeeta Krishnasamy, Xavier Fong, Wan Azlyn, Farra Safwan,
Ahmad Adnin Zidane, Irdina Tasmin, Balqis Sani & students of
SMK Pinang Tunggal