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Being With Jesus 2024

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BWJ Vol 4, October - December 2024


Greetings in Jesus’ name!

Let me begin with a story from Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929?), an Indian missionary sent to reach the people in Northern India.
“While sitting on the bank of a river one day, I picked up a solid round stone from the water and broke it open. It was perfectly dry in spite of the fact that it had been immersed in the water for centuries. The same is true of many people in the Western world. For centuries they have been surrounded by Christianity; they live immersed in the waters of its benefits. And yet it has not penetrated their hearts; they do not love it. The fault is not in Christianity, but in men’s hearts, which have been hardened by materialism and intellectualism.”
Recently, I was much impacted by this phrase, “the pursuit of the heart”. Anything that catches your heart, catches you! Jesus reinforces this truth, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:20. Simply put, your heart is always tied to things or people you love.

A few thoughts as I relate that to our BWJ readings:

1. We must allow our hearts to be pursued by the Holy Spirit with His truth. Failing to do so is like the round stone - though immersed in water for centuries, it is wet only on the outside, but caked utterly dry inside!

2.We must allow the Word to penetrate us and we must be willing to grapple with it. What is the Word saying about me? How am I to respond in this situation based on the Word? The Word convicts, reveals and tests us even as it speaks unto us (Hebrew 4:12), calling us to respond in humility and obedience.

3.Four powerful questions you can ask to allow the Holy Spirit to pursue your heart.
a) What are my thoughts?
b) How do I feel about it?
c) What are my deepest desire?
d) What choices do I need to make?

4. Respond to the Lord in prayer and supplication, asking Him for His grace and power to obey.
As we continue to read BWJ together, share your stories to encourage one another on how the Word has impacted and transformed you.

Love God, Love People, Make Disciples.
Pastor Robin Liew and the Leadership Team


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BWJ Vol 3, Jul - Sept 2024

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BWJ Vol 2, Apr-June 2024

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BWJ Vol 1, Jan-Mar 2024


Past Editions of BWJ (2023 and older)

Click on the respective Covers below to download your free pdf copy!

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BWJ Vol 2, Apr-Jun 2023

BWJ Vol 1, Jan-Mar 2023

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BWJ Vol 4 Download 2022.jpg

BWJ Vol 4, Oct-Dec 2022

BWJ Vol 2, Apr-June 2022

BWJ Vol 2 2022.png

BWJ Vol 3, Jul-Sept 2022

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BWJ Vol 1, Jan-Mar 2022

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BWJ 2023 Children's Workbook 


BWJ Children Vol 2, Apr-Jun 2023

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BWJ CC Vol 3 2022.jpg

Click on the respective links below to download the past Children Church "Being With Jesus" Workbooks​


Reading of Scriptures by members of SSMC Children's Church

Being With Jesus 2021 (Past Editions)

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How to read the Bible inductively?

1. Setting the context: “ABCs”

  • Author & Audience

  • Background — Period & culture?

  • Context — what comes before and after it?


2. What does the passage say? (Observation)

  • Read and reread the passage.

  • Who? What happened? What was taught? When? Where? How? Why?

  • Mark key words, repeated words or phrases, and commands.


3. What does it mean? (Interpretation)

  • What is the author’s intent in this passage? What is one principle or lesson the writer/God was trying to communicate?      - saying to the people of his day?

  • Look at other related scriptures

  • Use Bible study aids to get a clearer meaning of the passage as needed.


4. How does the principle apply to one specific area of my life? (Application)

  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to me in this passage? Ask Him.

  • What is one way I can apply the heart of this passage to my life?

  • What will I do differently because of what I’ve learned?

Refer to the slides on Bible Engagement below (shared by Dr Lawson Murray during the Dive Deep into Bible Engagement Seminar on 10 Mar 2018)

Walk Thru the Old Testament Motions (2019)


Declaring the Word of God (2015/6)

Members from SSMC taking turns (in individual 290 x 20mins time slots) to read aloud the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation non-stop for 86 continuous hours, from midnight 28 Dec midnight to 3 Dec @ 4am closing the year in 2015 and ushering in 2016.

2 Timothy 4:13 

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching

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